The Power of The Sister Accord® Tea Party Program

Monday, 04 August 2014

From October 2013 – May 2014 I was a member of the Midnight Golf Program. One of the opportunities that it affords high school seniors is exploring different events ranging from plays and concerts to empowerment conferences. During one of our sessions, the founder and CEO Ms. Renee stopped me to ask me if I wanted to attend a tea party. I thought to myself, a tea party? Similar to the tea parties I had as a child with my dolls and stuffed animals or tea parties I attended with my mother. I had no clue what to expect, but of course I said yes. We received a beautiful letter from Mrs. Sonia Jackson inviting us and giving us an overview of the organization. When I received the letter I did not know what a heart of gold she has, how she quit her job to follow her passion (loving us back to life and sisterhood), and how willing she is to pour into young ladies when she could be in an office making hundreds of thousands of dollars. Again, I had no idea what to expect, but I’m thankful for that because I might have went in with a closed minded attitude.

I walked in expecting middle aged women dressed in gloves, big hats, and pretty dresses. Instead, I was greeted by young women who looked like me, experience similar trials and tribulations, and needed someone to remind them of their worth, beauty, and love. Someone to understand and listen, to share their story with. We spent the day being pampered with the wisdom of women who wanted nothing less than our success. Women who wanted us to become strong women, like themselves, who did not harbor jealousy for her fellow sister because she was doing well in HER LANE; but instead congratulating and celebrating her. The Sister Accord is not a movement that strives only for women empowerment, but celebrating one another without ulterior motives. The Sister Accord Movement is about being YOU; not emulating celebrities, your oh-so-gorgeous Instagram and twitter followers, but the beautiful, intelligent, and confident YOU.

I am thankful for the sisters I gained at the tea party in Detroit. Especially my sister Candice. We were put in a group together and I could instantly tell she had been judged by many for being “stuck up”. I could also tell that her confidence level remained intact regardless of what they said. We both had a heart for helping young women become their best selves and decided we needed to exchange contact information. But I would not understand how much so until after the Tea Party ended. Candice and I are now closer than ever. I had no idea that we had so much in common, that our stories are so similar, and that we have a similar vision. Candice and I are now linking up for a major project.

What did I write all of this for?

Because I’m thankful that I attended the Sister Accord Tea Party. I started loving my fellow sisters more, I stopped “hating” on my sisters, I became a better friend and daughter, I stopped using the phrase “women are too much drama”, and I began tapping into my passions and dreams like never before. Thank you Mrs. Sonia for giving me that opportunity, I’m forever grateful.

Cherise McAdoo

Hampton University


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